Thursday, September 6, 2007

Uranium deal signed - Na its Apec not Opec George- Chaser Breach Apec Security

With Apec just down the road kinda this week .. a peek

Russia and Australia ink uranium deal, Australia - 18 minutes ago
PRIME Minister John Howard and President Vladimir Putin have signed a deal for Australia to sell uranium to Russia. The two leaders signed the deal after ...[ ]

Bush bloopers Apec Opec Australia Austria
news story here

Lucky it was us and not Al Qaeda, says Chaser read more

A fake motorcade carrying cast members from an Australian television show, including one dressed as Osama Bin Laden, nearly reached President Bush's hotel at APEC. The motorcade was stopped after clearing two security checkpoints. ...

esterday Chaser team make mockery of APEC security ,

Top security????????

Waved through wearing an insecurity pass and dressed like Osama bin laden
fake security pass,23607,5025515-5007150,00.html

$140 million dollar security price tag for the City of Sydney Yet......

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