Sunday, September 23, 2007

Pose Nude for $200,000.00?

Thats the question over at Offbeatmoms blog Here
I have no clue whether its been drawn yet it's a contest by the way Well you all know this is loopyplus1 so if y ou find out if its all been done let me know ok

Offbeatmom writes

give me the wackiest answer

Every month this blog will sponsor a sort of writing contest in response to a given question or problem which is posted here as a blog entry. For the month of September, the question to be answered is this: Would you pose nude online for $200,000.00? Answers should be written as comment under the blog itself bearing the title. READ MORE

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Northern Rock Bank UK muddle queues sit in withdrawals

‘Your money is safe,’ promises bank chief as customers withdraw £2bn

OOps thats 3.6bn

Top UK Judge laughing all the way to the bank as Northern Rock goes bankrupt
Pulling no punches, Dame Vivian described how Northern Rock stole £20 million of her savings, hired a hitman to shoot her when she sued them in the UK High Court

read more

COBRA meets as £50 billion Northern-on-the-Rocks black hole points to Lord Levy tosser CEO

"No one could have foreseen this fucking awful mess," the worm told Newsnight's Jeremy Poxman.

"Anyway, I was only obeying orders.

read more

source/s: ,

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Uranium deal signed - Na its Apec not Opec George- Chaser Breach Apec Security

With Apec just down the road kinda this week .. a peek

Russia and Australia ink uranium deal, Australia - 18 minutes ago
PRIME Minister John Howard and President Vladimir Putin have signed a deal for Australia to sell uranium to Russia. The two leaders signed the deal after ...[ ]

Bush bloopers Apec Opec Australia Austria
news story here

Lucky it was us and not Al Qaeda, says Chaser read more

A fake motorcade carrying cast members from an Australian television show, including one dressed as Osama Bin Laden, nearly reached President Bush's hotel at APEC. The motorcade was stopped after clearing two security checkpoints. ...

esterday Chaser team make mockery of APEC security ,

Top security????????

Waved through wearing an insecurity pass and dressed like Osama bin laden
fake security pass,23607,5025515-5007150,00.html

$140 million dollar security price tag for the City of Sydney Yet......